Personal Development Mastery

#440 How to raise your vibrational energy, navigate life's crossroads and the role of soul midwifery, with Laura Jacobo.

β€’ Agi Keramidas β€’ Episode 440

Join us for an engaging conversation with Laura Jacobo, a passionate holistic health practitioner who has transformed her life and career through the profound practice of holistic healing. Laura shares her incredible journey from the corporate world to embracing her calling as Lady Laura Soul Healer. Her journey began after the loss of her father, which led her to discover Angelic Reiki and ignite her passion for womb energy healing, soul midwifery and plant medicine.

We explore the significant role of soul midwifery in navigating the transition of death with grace and love. Drawing on cultural practices and personal insights, we emphasise the creation of a peaceful environment for those nearing the end of life. We touch on the importance of using the five senses to facilitate a meaningful experience and discuss the belief in free will and the choices we make throughout our life's journey. This conversation provides comfort and understanding for those dealing with the realities of death, both for those in transition and their loved ones.

Listen as we discuss the power of mastering vibrational frequency for self-healing and the transformative energy healing practice called Q-RIT. Laura shares practical methods for raising our vibrational frequency, emphasising the importance of controlling what enters our energy field. Embrace the journey of personal development and the responsibility we hold for our happiness as we learn to connect with our heart energy and the universe around us.


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02:01 - Empowering Women Through Holistic Healing

12:10 - Navigating Death With Soul Midwifery

19:48 - Mastering Vibrational Frequency for Self-Healing

32:30 - The Power of Energy Healing

42:30 - Harnessing the Power of Spiritual Energy


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"Learn how to channel the energy that comes from your sacral chakra all the way through your heart and all the way into your crown chakra. Use that energy to create something, so that you are actually transmuting that energy, rather than have that energy driving your desires."


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Laura Jacobo:

Whenever you feel like life gets too much, get out of your head, whatever thoughts you have, you know, take a couple of deep breaths and go into your heart, literally with the hands on your heart, and just feel that beautiful energy. So just connect to it. Is the intelligent energy that was created before you came into this human form, and is powerful.

Agi Keramidas:

You are listening to personal development mastery, the podcast that empowers you with a simple and consistent actions to take that will help you create a life of purpose and fulfillment. I'm your host, Agi Keramidas, and this is episode 440. Have you ever wondered how to navigate life's transitions with serenity? Then this episode is for you. By listening to today's conversation, you will discover practical methods for elevating your vibrational frequency and the importance of that. You will also learn the significant role of soul midwifery in navigating the transition of death with grace and love. And you will also hear about my personal experience with a session of curate quantum regression and integration therapy that I had with Laura Jakobo, my guest for today. So if you are seeking inspiration and actionable tools on any of these topics, keep listening before we dive in. If you enjoy this podcast and appreciate what we're doing. The quick favor I'm asking of you is to click the subscribe button, as this helps us make the podcast better for you. Now, let's get started. Today. I am delighted to speak with Laura Jacobo, Laura, you are a dedicated holistic health practitioner who specializes in guiding women on their journey to holistic well being through a unique blend of womb energy healing, Soul Midwifery, life coaching and plant medicine. You have a deep understanding of the mind, body, soul connection, and you are passionate about empowering and supporting your clients to awaken their inner goodness and achieve balance harmony and the deeper spiritual connection. Laura, is such a real pleasure to have this conversation with you today. It was my heart already.

Laura Jacobo:

Thank you. Agi, it's really a real pressure and a privilege to be here with you today. Thank you.

Agi Keramidas:

I will, of course, start this conversation just by mentioning how we met. So because it is, it is interesting in many ways, and that was last year 2023 we were both serving as crew members in Tony Robbins event in the UK, in Birmingham, and we were both in the fire team, which was the small group of people responsible building the actual fire that would then be used for 10,000 people to walk on hot coals. So we met at that time, and I will share that just as a very small introduction, because I have spoken about the fire team in the past in the podcast, but just as a very quick preface here that the people that we were there, that team of people, I don't know how many we were, 70 or 60 of us there were. There is, I feel, always a bond there, even if with some there is no communication for a very long time, I think the bond remains. So that's, you know, for me, a very small introduction. So if you want to give me a couple of your insights from the fire team since I started talking about this, I know you've been many times. So give me a couple of those to start, and they will move to the other things we we said we will talk about today,

Laura Jacobo:

absolutely. And I just came back last, last Monday, Monday, last week from being in in Germany with the fire team again, and it was 72 of us getting together. What can I say about the fire team? We missed you as well. Agi, you should have been there. What can I say about the fire team? It's it's family. Attending Tony Robbins UPW allows you to have the opportunity to make this family, to create this family. And we always say, once a fire team, always a fire team, even if you never crew again, even if you come back for. Five years later, and it's, it's very supportive, and is and the bond, I think the bond comes, I believe, from, uh, enduring the fire, enduring the firewalk, and witnessing, witnessing the transformation in the faces of those participants walking through the fire in those very brief five, six seconds as they walk, you know, before they start and at the end. And the energy is amazing is always fills me up. And we made that happen together, starting at six o'clock in the morning and working on three or three o'clock in the in the following morning and during that, I think, is what, what bind us together forever as family, brothers and sisters, amazing.

Agi Keramidas:

It is indeed a beautiful bond. Glad that you you are bringing this. You have it fresh in your memory as an experience. So you bring in that with your energy to this conversation, Laura, today, I wanted to explore with you. Among other things, there is this nurturing the mind, body, emotion, soul connection, the even your title, looking at your window, which says, lady, Laura, Soul healers. These are things that I would really like to explore with you and discuss. You know, you mentioned spiritual well being, which I would really love to hear some of your wisdom about all those things before we go there, I would like to get a little bit of background from you, so something that we can get to know you a little bit better as an introduction, and I think in particular, would be what led you to become Lady Laura, Soul healers at some point, what was the transition and what created so we can get an understanding of where you're coming from.

Laura Jacobo:

Okay, my transition into becoming a holistic health practitioner and focusing on soul healing. It started when I lost my dad five years ago, five and a half years ago, I had experienced the death of a loved one, of a relative before, I'm familiar with with death in Mexico, we don't, we don't keep children away from it. I remember at five years old, attended my great grandmother's funeral and my mom being sad and but I've never experienced losing a parent, and that is a completely different type of grief. I could not find comfort. I could not find healing in in anything, you know, time off from work. I didn't go into medication. I just went into therapy. And as lovely as that was having that, that time again, didn't didn't allow me to process the grief, until I started doing Angeli Reiki sessions for myself, and that was the one thing that brought me the connection, the Energy with angels, the this soothing, the sacred space. And I just thought, well, if it helps me so much, I can be the only person who is going through what I'm going through. And from that, I became Angelique practitioner, parallel to still being in my job from Angelique practitioner. I then became a harmony massage therapist, and that was the culmination of the hands on treatment together with energy healing. And again, that was absolutely amazing. And I continued doing that during lockdown, working from home and seeing the old client in my spare time. Then coming out of lockdown, I was made redundant one more time. November 2022 and 2023 I thought, okay, let's let's listen to the universe. I think the messages are getting very loud. I should not be in the corporate world anymore. I'm going to do this full time, and here I am. I'm originally from Mexico. I've been in the UK for 27 years. Again, that's that's another transition that you know. It It took, it took a lot of courage to leave everything behind and enduring the nostalgia and the mourning of the life that I had in Mexico and adapting to the UK, not just the weather, but the whole lifestyle. And I have written a book about all the challenges that I had to overcome, and the book is called. Miracle mindset, Miracle women. And it was created by miracle mindset, my coach and editor, Adriana Mendez Snowden, and it's the volume one. So I mean, there, if you want to read more about the transition from the UK back into the UK, from Mexico,

Agi Keramidas:

yeah, I find that this transition. Having experienced it also myself, from Greece to the UK, of course, different circumstances, but still, you know, when you start different life, and all the everything you knew up to then is left behind. It is definitely it creates a different character, I think in oneself, Laura, I would like to discuss today a bit more, in particular, the term that you use that I am I will admit it beforehand. I'm not familiar with yet. It's the term you use soul midwifery. And I would like to ask you, how do you see that? How do you define it, first of all, and what are the, let's say, applications, or in what situations you use it? Okay,

Laura Jacobo:

Soul midwifery. And I have to clarify, we're talking about the soul here. A lot of people, when I mention Midwifery, they related to the word midwife, which is giving birth. And this is similar, but it's talking about the the soul. So basically our body, our whole body, giving birth to our soul as it transitions out of the body. Soul midwifery is a beautiful thing and a privilege to support people when they are transitioning onto the next stage, which is death. And again, I'm familiar, I'm familiar with death. You know, in Mexico, we celebrate the day of the death. We believe that our ancestors, who have crossover, they can come and spend time with them, you know, preparing their fiber foods on the day of the death. But soulmate we free is about supporting somebody in having a good death. We believe that we should all die as if, as if we are living the best, the best time of our life. And the way to do that is to connect to the highest possible energy of unconditional love, to have that at the last minute and for as long as possible before you're about to cross over, then you die, as if you as if you are living your best life, and as when you die, as surrounded by love, filled with the energy of love, you just go straight into the light. That's That's what we believe in soul Midwifery, and it is a privilege, because some people don't, don't know how how to do, how to die, how to have a good death. Some people are afraid of dying. Some people who are witnessing, you know, like I have had clients, their their parents having a slow, painful death. How can I make them more comfortable? How can I how can I bring them comfort. How can I do that? Some of them feel resentful, you know, at the at the disease that is taking them, and then other people go through the shock like, Oh, it did. You just drop dead. There's nothing I could, could have done. So it's, it's a privilege supporting people and supporting their loved ones in that transition is a privilege to show them. This is the kind of things that you can do so with with soulmate, we free. We look at same as energy healing. We look at our five senses. We look at, you know, the things that you smell, the things that you touch, the music that you're listening to, the emotions that you're allowed to feel in those moments as well. And again, you know it's a lot of forgiveness and a lot of if I don't want to see that person, I'm not going to see that person. If I only want to see this other person, because when they are around me, they made me feel a lot of love, and that's the person I want to have, and to understand that the person who is transitioning deserves to get what they want, but also supporting them into letting go of the grudges, letting go of the things that are going to mess up with that vibration of unconditional love, whatever it whatever it tastes, whether you know, essential oils, music, diffuser, candles, anything that you want in the room. And then we also believe that whatever it is that you you think is waiting for you on the other side. So that's exactly what's waiting for you. For example, Mexicans, we believe that our loved ones, you know, they are there and we're just going to be together. I think Islam believes the same thing as well. And athletes, for example, they think, well, there's nothing after that. That's it. And that person we believe has come to experience that type of death and that type of life after that there is nothing. And then there are, there are people, for example, you know, and it's very sensitive, because when we talk about mental health, and some people do end up taking their own life again. We believe that they have come to experience that type of death. They are not living one day less that they were meant to. They decided to to come and Okay, that's it. This is, this is I'm gonna go back and have another life, and this time, my life is going to end like this, by my choice. But in all, in all that, the process is the same. We go through a process. We go to different stages. And at different stages we implement different therapies, you know, going from from touch therapy, which can be physical touch or touch with a feather, because some people don't like being being touched, like don't touch me. We use beautiful feathers like this. And we also use, you know, essential oils. Frankincense is one of the most beautiful essential oils that you can use, sacred oils. Some people may like it one day, another day they want. But it's all learning about the stages and knowing what to do at each stage. Then we go back. We go back, you know, from from the beginning, like how, how we came to be, you know, who decided go and have another human experience on earth? How was that decided? And, you know, did we have any input on that? And we believe that, yeah, we do have an input. We decided, you know, in this, in this lifetime, if I have, for example, and this is something that I say to my clients a lot, you know, let's, let's think about the example of someone who's an alcoholic, their parents drink a lot. So we just draw the conclusion, well, that that person could not have become anything else because their parents are an alcoholic. But it's actually the opposite. We choose our parents based on the traits and characteristics that we're going to bring into this earth. So if I'm going to be an alcoholic in this lifetime, I'm going to choose the parents that have those characteristics so that I can blame them, right? But then, until we learn that, you know, it was my choice, it's not their fault. I chose them for that particular reason. However, we also have free will, and we understand free will, so during our time here, we can decide, actually, I don't want to have a drop of alcohol in my life again. And that's all very good, because then you're clean cleansing karma. You're cleaning all that from past lives and but the old The other challenge is that now you don't fit with those parents. And it's understanding the soul journey brings you the peace to say, okay, so this is why this is happening. I made this decision before I came back into this human experience. I changed my mind once I got here. When

Agi Keramidas:

you think of it like that, it's very comforting also to realize that there is it is all done based on a design or a purpose, and on the other hand, it gives you the full and complete responsibility for what happens, because in the end, it is entirely up to you, to you in whatever form of you we're talking about, either the physical you or the mental or the spiritual or all. It's fascinating. You know, when you were talking about helping people transition in death. There were two angles that I was thinking. Of course, the one that was what you offered to those people and allowing them to, you know, find some peace or understanding of what is the transition. I was also thinking of the other angle, which is, I can't even imagine, what is it that you have gained us insights by spending time with people that are about to transition. Because I think the the wisdom that. At each of you know, when you have a lifetime behind you, there is inevitably some wisdom there. So I would like to ask you about this, what have you, probably many things, but what strikes out as some of the things that you gained from doing that,

Laura Jacobo:

the main thing that I can say is, is a sense of of compassion for for everything and and to understand as well that we have very, very little control. You know, as much as we like to think, we have free will, and we can do this, and we can achieve that at the end of the day, we have very little control of the things that we can do. And even if you are the most successful person in the world, and you have all the money in the world when when your time comes, that's it, you can buy one more day of life. And this, then it becomes every day becomes a blessing, a blessing to be alive, a blessing to to expect miracles, a blessing to to do something good for somebody, and the opportunity that we have every day to to live in a state of gratitude and a state of unconditional love with everything else that's going on in the world once you you and this has happened to me, there are some so many things that frustrate me, like, you know, wars, natural disasters and they the unfairness that these people have to endure, the the tragedy behind it, the the frustration that you can do anything to help. But when you when you start looking at soul Midwifery, and you start looking at the soul's journey, you have that inner peace, and you become more understanding and more patient of the bigger plan, but also understanding that that that person got losing everything on a hurricane flooding, or that person losing a child in the middle of war, that's their journey. That's the journey they chose. And all we can do is is just send out this energy of unconditional love as much as possible. Just send it out there, because love always wins. And this the only, the only thing that we can actually do is is be in control of the vibrational frequency within our energy field. That's as much as we can do. But the the frustration, then the the sense of fairness and the powerlessness that comes when you see these things happening in the news, it goes away, because you then have a deeper understanding of what that soul's journey is all about, and then you just focus on on doing what you can do from the distance to support their journey. That's that's one thing that soulmate wilfrey has has done to me.

Agi Keramidas:

If you enjoy this episode, can you think of one person that would find it useful and share it with them? I'd really appreciate it. It helps the show grow, and you will also be adding value to people you care about. Thank you. And now let's get back to the episode. You said that the only thing that we control. I have never heard of it being described as such. I had had different descriptions. But what you said was that the only thing we control is our vibrational frequency, which is, it's an amazing concept. I really like that, and it is indeed we have this ability. However, what I would like to ask you is, how let's say someone listening right now is not sure when Laura says, Okay, we have control of our vibrational frequency. So how do I do that? So what would you say to that person,

Laura Jacobo:

well, I will say, get rid of the negative emotions within you. And one quick way of getting rid of them is first to acknowledge them. Everything that you feel that is low vibration, whether it's anger, hate, frustration, apathy, procrastination, is all a low vibrational frequency, but you can just try to put something on top of that so that you don't feel it, or, you know, focus on something else. You have to acknowledge that that is what you're feeling, because the moment you connect to that emotion. You realize that emotion is giving you a message, even if the message is just like, don't be like this. Don't, don't feel this way. But when, when you connect with that emotion, then you are able to get it out of your system. You know, I have clients that said said to me, Oh, I hate my ex, but I don't want to feel this way. I don't want to talk about it. I don't tell anybody, because I don't want to feel about it. And I said, okay, but then you should be telling me that you hate your ex, because that's exactly how you feel. You need to honor that emotion. It doesn't mean you're going to do something about the fact that you hate your ex, but by acknowledging that you that that's the way you feel, and by saying those words at that moment, that emotion is leaving your your body, your energy, feel, then there is an empty space, and in that empty space, that's where you can put anything you want. You can put love, you can put forgiveness, you can put compassion. You can put joy. Another way of staying in a high vibrational frequency is with the things that you allow into your energy system. So we have the power of your thoughts. And Tony Robbins talks about this, you know, we can change our state in a heartbeat, and that's quicker than a second, by the things that you put in your mind, by the way that you move your body, the things that you allow within your body is not just your thoughts and the movement, it's also the foods that you eat, the people's energy that you're allowed to bring in, if you are by yourself and you feel like I really feel I want to feel joy and I want to feel love, but I just can't. There is ways to cheat, and my favorite way to cheat is with essential oils. Essential oils have a vibrational frequency. For example, we talk about the essential oil of rose with a vibrational frequency of 330 megahertz, if you are vibrating at a neutral emotion, or if you are vibrating at anger, which is got a vibrational frequency of 40 megahertz, and you add 330 megahertz from smelling an essential oil of Rose, that's going to bring you up, that is just going to gage you out of that you know, and and if you can, can imagine right now and remember, your senses will remember, what does the rose smell like, and you just inhale that now, immediately you hold body up, lift Just by the memory. So imagine how much more powerful is with the oil. Essential oils can be into your bloodstream by just smelling them or touching them within two seconds. So that's my favorite way of cheating, is with essential oils. And then that brings me to, you know, the foods that you eat, eat high vibrational foods, because when we feel like really disappointed with life, we tend to eat a lot of comfort food. But most of the comfort food we eat has low vibrational frequency, the takeaways they fry food, the pastas or all of that. Again, if you start eating more green foods, your body is going to thank you, but also your energy is going to feel better. That's, that's the quickest way to do it.

Agi Keramidas:

Thank you for this was very helpful, and I liked the quick message in the end about the vibration of the foods, especially the comfort foods. That was, I think, a very useful reminder for someone listening. And thanks also for the way you described it as a cheat with sensoy, which is a very nice, easy way to make things easier for ourselves. So thank you for that. And actually, when you said, when you said about, imagine that you are the smell of the rose. Imagine that you smell in a rose right now, I did also feel myself that the memory of the smell, and I did feel instantly something changing, something uplifting in my body. So very, very practical, very simple and very effective. I love this, these simple things. Laura, I would like also to discuss one more topic with you, and that is the Curie, the quantum regression and integration therapy that you are a practitioner of. And actually, I had the personal experience a few weeks back when I had the session with you. So I wanted to ask you a few things about this. And. And I will share my experience in a moment, but I would like to hear from you first, what is it and who is it for, really, so that we can, you know, bring the listener to understand what we're talking about. So

Laura Jacobo:

we're talking about quantum regression integration therapy, and is for everybody and all, all of the clients, all of the clients I've had, they come for for one thing, and they get something else, completely different, but it is the one thing they needed curate is is working on every area of your life, whether it's physical pain, emotional pain or anything that you think is blocking you from bringing the abundance that you deserve. I do believe that as humans, we came into this world to be abundant and to experience the highest possible form of wealth and love in every area you know, not just the material things, but more importantly, the the connections that we make with other people. And sometimes when, when our relationships don't go the way we want them, those relationships, or the feelings that we have on those relationships, create blockages and cure it. Can help you to remove those blockages when you have a dream, like I want to write a book, but the words are just not coming, a curate session can unblock that. When you have a back pain and you don't know, you can't find anything that's helping with it. You know, we say in cure it, cure it with cure it, because the end of the day, any physical ailment is a message for you to listen to your body, to listen that there is something there that needs your attention. And once you you start listening, you You release whatever blockage you have. I had one client who came because they wanted to have more money coming into their life. And they thought, you know, it is this scary thing that you're doing, is this gonna, is gonna clear any blockages, and it's going to track the money in so they were, they were ready to go down the session one way. But when I started asking the questions, their body, their mind, their consciousness, took them another way. And what came out of the end is that they needed to forgive their brother and mend that relationship. And after they've done that, the blockage was removed, and then now they're starting, you know, thriving in their businesses, and it's incredible when I get the feedback, but every single person that I've given a session to, and even the ones that I experienced myself, it's like I thought I wanted to do forgiveness in this area, but it came out that I need to, I need to write a book. So it's incredible the things that are happening and the things that come out when you do curate. Curate has been created by one of my best friends, Luke Scott the third for one reason, that everything that we we have learned. You know, whether it's a harmony massage, obviously you can do a massage online, but Angeli Reiki sold me withery, and he has done color therapy, quantum regression therapy, hypnotherapy, Theta Healing, all of those therapies. We're not allowed to teach them online. You have to be in person, which sometimes Okay, so I understand the, the what's the word I'm looking for, the rules and the regulations in order to have a workshop in a way that you can you can certify a practitioner to then go on and do it. I understand that however, we can do distance energy healing online, we can do distance energy healing. You know, on the phone, we can do distance energy healing just by agreeing on a time with another person, and they receive healing. So why can we do the teaching and all the attunements necessary online as well? So with curate, because He created it, and he's got it certified to teach online, it has given us the opportunity to teach more people, to create more healers, people that you know you can travel all the way from Liverpool to England now I can teach you online in one day, in two days, however you want to do it and with with Luke, I'm the first person as a master, as a curate master, teaching in Spanish. So again, the goal, the goal that we have as a collective is to create 1 million quantum healers. And we're right on the way. I think we're getting close to 100

Agi Keramidas:

i. This is beautiful, and I'm wishing you all the very best with with that we, we need all the healing as I mean, as collective mean, we in these times that we live in. I would like also to share my own experience with the session I had with you, because it was, it was quite powerful and also unexpected. I also didn't. Was not expecting some of the things that came up during the session. For me, what I got, and that has been very useful and practical. And I got it during that session. And since that session was, you know, I have this thing, and I'm sure that many listeners will probably relate, I tend to look at my clock or my words. Pretty much whenever it the digits are the same. So like, if it is 1212, 1111, 1010, 1234, something I don't know. No matter what I do, I will be drawn to, just to look at the time. So it is, regardless of, you know, any potential explanation, or anything like that, for me up to our until our session, I will just, you know, observe it and smile with it and but I was not actually doing anything. And with the curate session, I actually found discovered during the session. I mean, some practical thing and some questions that I'm asking at that time. So it creates a very different meaning. So it's not like I'm just looking at the time and it is 1111, and okay, I carry no with writing my email. No, I take a time I mean it, and, you know, be present and ask, Why am I seeing this? What is the message that I meant to receive by this? So it has been a very useful and I'm thanking you for that, a very useful practice that I have gained since that time, which, you know, it leads to some very interesting messages being received. So it's, yeah, I would definitely say it has some, definitely unexpected benefits. But I liked when you, when asked you, who is it for? You said, everyone. So I think that covers, covers. It very nice. I'm going to start wrapping this conversation up, Laura, there are before we close, there are a couple of things. One is two questions that I always ask my guests on the podcast, and the first one is, what does personal development mean to you?

Laura Jacobo:

Personal development means taking accountability of your life path we have in the fire team, and if you can see it, I create my own reality and and having that that responsibility is like no no one is no one is going to make you happy. If you are not happy, nobody's going to love you if you don't love yourself, yeah, and, and you can say that you love somebody if you have never experienced love for yourself. And in the personal development world, we, I think the main thing that we we get, especially in the Tony Robbins environment, is accountability. We are the ones in charge. Nobody else is. We are the architects of our lives. We are the painters of the masterpiece. And that comes in with a sense of relief, because it's nobody's fault, but also with like, Oh, damn, now I can't blame anybody, so it's the responsibility, the responsibility like you mean, you mean all this is happening because I created it for myself. No, why would I create that for myself? But when you start looking into it, you then, yes, you are the only one. So it's a powerful thing, but it's a scary thing, because then that means that all the horrible things that you went through, somehow you attracted them into your life, and that that is not a nice feeling. But also when you come to the realization, well, I'm the only one who can change it, that's, that's where the power is. So personal development work is the ultimate power. Yeah, exactly. That's, that's you. Just throw the words out of my mouth.

Agi Keramidas:

And Laura, let me ask you a hypothetical question. If you could go back in time and meet your 18 year old self, what's one piece of advice you would give her?

Laura Jacobo:

I've done this actually. I grow. Buddha wrote a book about it. One thing that as as women, nobody teaches us is how much power we have within our womb space. So if I could go back to my 18 year old, my 17 year old, my 15 year old, it will be like learn to channel the power within your womb space, and for men as well, because that power comes from our Sacral Chakra, and that Sacral Chakra sometimes well as teenagers, we tend to just release the energy outwards. But what I will go back and teach my 18 year old will be learn how to channel that energy all the way through our heart and all the way into your crown chakra, so that you can use that energy to create something so that you are actually transmuting that energy, rather than have that energy driving your desires and and your basic human needs and maybe making a mess out of your life, so go back and learn how to do that, and now that's something that I teach my nieces as well, and it's beautiful that they're listening to me.

Agi Keramidas:

Thank you, Lara, where will you direct the listener who has enjoyed this conversation and wants to find out more about what you do and who you

Laura Jacobo:

are. Well, I have my nurturer spirit page on Facebook with my whatsapp number, so anybody can contact me directly with any questions they have or anything that they they felt inspired to do, whether it's curate soul Midwifery, or whether they want to know more about the treatments that I do in person or online. I'm here to serve. And I think you know, there is that commandment that comes in the spiritual world. Love one another the way I love you when we're serving others. I think that's the way that we love strangers, by serving others. So that inspired me to start with Tony, and that inspires me to help anyone who feels comfortable reaching out to me. And the one thing I never worry because people said, Oh, are you worried that everybody has your whatsapp phone number? And I said, No, because only the people that need the kind of healing that I can offer will reach out to me, nobody else. So feel free to reach out on my whatsapp. Just go to nurture your spirit on Facebook. You'll find me there. That's

Agi Keramidas:

beautiful. Thank you, Lara, I want to thank you very much for this wonderful conversation, and you know, thank you for what you shared. And there were some I really very inspiring, apart from the use of the knowledge. I think for me, always with the podcast, much more important than the knowledge is the action that one can take based on the knowledge that has the power to change their lives. So I think in that sense, this conversation served and I'm grateful that we co created this. And I want to wish you all the very best with and with reaching that 1 million people you were saying earlier about the curate healers. And I also want to thank you as my sister through the fire team, the family of the fire team, I will leave it to you, Laura for your last part in words.

Laura Jacobo:

Well, first of all, I hope I will see you next year with the UPW in Germany. I don't think I'll be making it to any of the American ones, but, you know, traveling situations, but hopefully I'll see you, and we'll get to serve again. I will say just whenever, whenever anyone who's listening, whenever you feel like life gets too much. Get out of your head, whatever thoughts you have. You know, I know Tony Robbins says we have the power to control our thoughts, but sometimes they are just too overwhelming and they overpower us. So whenever you feel that that's happening, just get out of out of your head. Take a couple of deep breaths and go into your heart, literally with the hands on your heart, and just feel that beautiful energy that you know you you can think about moving your arm, you can think about picking a cup of tea, and those things will happen, but you can think, I'm gonna make my heart beat, and your heart will beat, and if you don't think about it, it will stop. So that's how powerful that energy is. So just connect to it is the intelligent energy that was created before you came into this human form, and is powerful. So don't let anything overwhelm you, because you're an amazing spiritual being living a human experience. So don't ever forget that you are more spirit. And that you are meant to experience everything in this human form. It's a shell, it's a body. So enjoy what it lasts, and always aim to be at the highest vibration possible, and the best one is unconditional love.

Agi Keramidas:

And before I end today's episode, if you enjoy this podcast, can you think of one person that would find it useful and share it with them? I'd really appreciate it. It helps the show grow, and you also add value to people you care about. Thank you. And until next time, stand out, don't fit in!

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